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And all of a sudden it's 2025!


What a wonderful start to the year to be included in the Top 100 Artists again this year. It's an honour to be listed alongside such a fantastic group of Australian Artists.


I hope you'll follow me on Instagram @kateberginartist as new paintings develop in the studio ...KX




It's New Year's Eve as I update the website so I'm a few hours early but eager to move into 2024 with new ideas and a date for my next exhibition in October at Scott Livesey Galleries in Melbourne.


I hope you'll follow me on Instagram @kateberginartist as the new paintings develop in the studio...KX



What an amazing year!

Thank you to the Arthouse Gallery team for a fantastic exhibition & to Scott Livesey Galleries, Melb & Artbay Gallery  NZ for their continued support.


And thank you to all of you who enjoy the paintings and the collectors who purchase them so this wonderful journey can continue...KX


September, 2023

Very thrilled to be included in the Top 100 Artists in Australia again this year...

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January -August, 2023

The studio is filling up with new paintings for my exhibition,

"Table of Contents"

at Arthouse Gallery in Sydney, Opening Thurs 2 November, 2023


If you'd like to be on the Preview List please leave your details on the Contact page...thank you, KX

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Aug-Sept, 2022

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Kate Bergin & Gatsby Mr & Mrs Andrews.jpg

"A bold artwork, "Visiting Mr & Mrs Andrews" by Kate Bergin from Scott Livesey Galleries, provides an element of whimsy in the main bedroom..."


Thank you Belle Magazine (July- Aug, 2022). I love seeing where my paintings live...this  stunning home is in Melbourne.

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Belle Mag Mr & Mrs Andrews Kate Bergin.jpg

April 2022


Settled into the new studio & painting for my next exhibition at Arthouse Gallery, Sydney in 2023.

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An inspiring new home & studio for 2022


Stay in touch to see the next series of paintings from this beautiful space...

Royal Gala Performance

Exhibition Opening

22 October, 2021


Arthouse Gallery, Sydney


Previews, e-catalogues & invitations available from the gallery 

Email: Ph: 02 9332 1019

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Kate in the studio with "The Debonairs"

"It’s a curious thing where inspiration emanates. We look back, we project forward. In his 1920 essay ‘Philip Massinger”, T.S. Eliot writes: ‘Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.’ And so we create and re-create. We start with a royal gala performance but exit through different doors and discover seemingly disparate ideas that somehow come together like the crazy buzz of a call centre. Tigers roar and birds squawk. It’s our noisy, complicated and wonderful life."

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Studio View with  new paintings & Gatsby the Cavalier keeping watch

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

So wonderful to see The Venetian Room in its Melbourne home via the Financial Review and to read about such passionate art collectors. 


Thank you to Andrew Penn & Kallie Blauhorn for taking us through their stunning home...


Article written by Design Editor Stephen Todd April 3, 2020. Photography Tom Blanchford

Heading 4

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While artists often crave isolation and we have certainly found it in our little piece of paradise in the Noosa hinterland in Queensland it's quite another thing for the entire world to be isolated too due to the covid 19 pandemic.


It makes you realise just how much we rely on those small outings to pick up supplies, walk along the beach or just doing the school run. Isolation now has a whole other dimension to it. 


Trying to maintain some sort of normality with children and our new little puppy Gatsby as the news reports record daily the suffering of so many is a difficult task but made a little easier knowing we are all managing this new way of life separately but together...




Life in Isolation

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Thank you to Arthouse Gallery for organising "Art Takes Action" an online auction which raised over $100,000 for the bushfire appeal.


Each artist donated a piece and choose a charity to send the winning bid to. I selected Animals Australia and am so very grateful to the final bidder who won "Into the Wild".


Thank you to all the artists and art collectors who participated in this event.

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January 2020

First painting finished for the new year!...




Back from an incredibly inspiring trip to New Zealand and the United States photographing at the Auckland Zoo, Atlanta Zoo and the Audubon in New Orleans.

I can't wait to get back into the studio and start painting some of these amazing creatures...

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July/August, 2019
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Thank you to Deb Candy, Consulting Editor

 for choosing 

"The Proposition"

as the cover image for Vol 44 

Alternative Law Journal.


The journal is an Australian academic, refereed human rights/social justice quarterly publication that has been publishing for over 40 years and is administrated by a not-for-profit Cooperative in Melbourne and now published in conjunction with SAGE Publishers in the UK.


The Journal is produced in both print format and digitally.


Limited Edition Artist Print Update

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These limited edition of 10 prints have sold out. 


New prints available exclusively from my studio.

Just click on the "Shop" tab above.

Practicing The Art of Deception & Other
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A Macquarie University Art Gallery Exhibition

10 July - 30 September 2019


Here's a snippet from the catalogue,


"Zoographia illustrates our changing relationship with longer alienated and clinically detached from human empathy but endowed with majestic qualities we as humans admire and aspire to."


Thank you to the curatorial team and the owner of this painting, Call of the Wild who generously loaned it for the duration of the exhibition.


Artists include...

Effy Alexakis, Kate Bergin, Dean Bowen, Joanna Braithwaite, Stephen Copland, Kate Downhill, Troy Emery, Adam Fuss, Jane Gillings, Michael Gillings, Robert Harcourt, Anna-Karina Hermkens, Gertie Huddleston, Nola Jones, Charlotte Le Brocque, David Lever, Francis Lymburner, Joseph McGlennon, Noel McKenna, Rodney Pople, Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri and Salvatore Zofrea

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Call of the Wild, 2010, oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm


An incredible exhibition at Arthouse Gallery in Sydney with so many memorable experiences including an Opening Night, a beautiful Artist Lunch and Artist Talk.


Thank you to Ali Yeldham the director of Arthouse Gallery, Will Mansfield the Gallery Manager, Saskia, Jyles Tracy and Elli who were all so passionate and wonderful to work with.


Thank you also to Kim McKay AO, Director & CEO, Australian Museum, Sydney for such a wonderful opening speech full of thought-provoking insights about our relationship to animals and nature.

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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

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It's always exciting to see paintings in their homes and for one to be featured in Belle magazine is wonderful. Thank you to the owners and interior designer Thomas Hamel Associates for their support and the extraordinary attention to detail in this beautiful home.


The painting is "Songs of Innocence & Experience - A Tyger for Mr Blake"

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The Bendigo Art Gallery who have "The Alpacas' Teaparty" in their collection are doing a re-print of the puzzle they created. Can't wait to get one...


The Alpacas' Teaparty jigsaw box.jpg

Off they go to exciting time seeing the paintings leave but a touch of sadness too. The house & studio always seems a little empty without them.


Thank you to the wonderful team at

International Art Services for taking such good care of them on their travels.


Completing the final paintings for my upcoming exhibition,

"Tabletop Variations"

at Arthouse Gallery, Sydney.


23 May - 15 June 2019

Exhibition Opening 30 May 6-8pm


A wonderful private commission that can be viewed at my exhibition at Arthouse Gallery in May/June.

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"Balancing Act", 2019, 150 x 155 cm, oil on canvas

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.


New studio - I finally put my spoon collection up on the wall...

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Singapore Zoo for inspiration...


Singapore Zoo


New paintings in the studio...I think Pepper is a little curious about all of this!


An outback Queensland horse show and a quick trip back to Sydney to see

"Rembrandt & the Dutch Golden Age"...clashes of time, culture and place.


In Sydney gathering inspiration for new work...

Centennial Park, bizarrely cold and raining but great weather to bring the black swans and a flock of crazy geese out.

The Museum of Sydney was extraordinary with the "Mammoths - Giants of the Ice Age" exhibition  and the amazing presentation of its birds and animals...very inspiring particularly as I've just started painting a giraffe! 

On the ferry to Manly Beach.


A couple of paintings, The Navigator and The Spring Collection in progress... 


It's getting a little wild in the studio and Pepper is getting a lot bigger, I'm not sure she'd fit under Monty the white horse now!


School holidays already!


Here's the boys on Peregian Beach with Pepper the dalmatian puppy who might find her way into a couple of new paintings for my exhibition at

Mossgreen Gallery in Sydney in October. and Melbourne in November...


I've come out of my comfort zone of the studio and given a talk at Bendigo Art Gallery and also a talk and a workshop for students at St Andrew's Anglican College here on the Sunshine Coast.


I was overwhelmed by the generous support of everyone who attended and was inspired by the talent and enthusiasm of the young students. 

At St Andrew's Anglican College, Sunshine Coast

Speaking at the LaTrobe Visual Arts Centre Theatre in Bendigo

A lovely photo of Karen Quinlan the director of the Bendigo Art Gallery announcing a new exhibition in front of my "Alpacas' Teaparty" which will hang alongside many extraordinary pieces from the collection.


Collective Vision - 130 years

4 March – 28 May

"Bendigo Art Gallery celebrates 130 years in 2017 and to mark the occasion will present a dynamic new exhibition of historic, contemporary, curious, significant, and much-loved favourites from the gallery’s renowned collection." 


Photo courtesy of Noni Hyett, The Bendigo Advertiser



I just received these postcards from the Royal Australian Mint who used my painting, Tabletop Ballad as their image for the stand banner and postcards at the

2017 Berlin Money Trade Fair, 3-5 February.



The beginning of another year...


Summer holidays for the boys means plenty of time on the Noosa River and surrounding beaches. Inspiration everywhere. The biggest problem is choosing where to go...

Getting the perfect shot is definitely a family affair...


This beautiful suri alpaca from the Maleny Botanic Gardens featured in

 "The Spring Collection".


It took a fancy to Mark and a bite out of Rothko's hat but eventually I got the photo that inspired this work.

January also means a birthday for our youngest. This year was number 7 and he wants me to paint a shark! 


I'm not too sure about this and how it would sit on a tabletop, but I'll give it a some thought and you never know...



How wonderful to end the year with this... 


12 of the Best Canadian Book Covers of 2016


Here's the link to see the full list


Congratulations to Kate Sutherland for her beautiful writing and to Kate Hargreaves for the cover design. So pleased to have my painting used as the cover image. A good day for Kates!


To purchase a copy...



A couple of alpacas arrived in the mail today!


It was such an honour when the Bendigo Art Gallery purchased my painting, The Alpacas' Teaparty a few years ago and now they've made it into a puzzle available to purchase at the gallery shop.


I've often thought of my paintings beginning as a sort of puzzle, putting together disparate elements in a way that makes sense and now this painting has come full circle and become a puzzle.


I have to say though that I think it was easier to paint it than to do this 1000 piece brain teaser!


Many thanks to Karen Quinlan, Director, Bendigo Art Gallery and Simone Bloomfield, Acting Collections Manager


A little bit about the Bendigo Art Gallery...

Bendigo Art Gallery is one of the oldest and largest regional galleries in Australia, established in 1887.  Bendigo Art Gallery's collection is extensive, with an emphasis on 19th century European art and Australian art from the 1800's, alongside a strong collection of contemporary Australian art.


One of my favourite paintings from the collection is this one which depicts Bendigo in its early days called, Sandhurst from Camp Hill painted by James Edwin Meadows in 1884. When you get up close to it you can even see our little church which we were lucky enough to own for a few years. It was built in 1865 and it's where I painted The Alpacas' Teaparty and also where our second son was born. So while we now live in our tropical jungle in a rambling old colonial house it's nice to still be connected to the magical time we had in Bendigo.


Our red church studio in Bendigo, built in 1865

James Edwin Meadows, Sandhurst from Camp Hill, 1884


A fantastic arrival in the mail today!


I'm very honoured to have my painting, The Company of Unlikely Travellers grace the cover of

Kate Sutherland's book of poetry,


"How to Draw A Rhinoceros" 













Kate Sutherland was born in Scotland. She moved to Canada as a child, and grew up in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She now lives in Toronto where she is a professor at Osgoode Hall Law School.

She is the author of one collection of poems, How to Draw a Rhinoceros, and two collections of short stories, Summer Reading (winner of a Saskatchewan Book Award for Best First Book), and All In Together Girls.

She is the host and producer of the podcast On the Line: Conversations About Poetry.



Thanks to Jay Millar, Publisher, Book Thug Press



Many thanks to Olivia Murphy from Interior Monologue for this article on my current exhibition "Wild Life" at Mossgreen Gallery in Melbourne. 


Interior Monologue magazine is an editorial project created by Tanya Zaben, in NYC, devoted to finding and sharing the best artisans, craftsmanship, and design from around the world.


Here is the link to read the full article

Concert of Birds

A fantastic night listening to the brilliant musicians from the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Christopher Cartledge, viola; Freya Franzen, violin and Rachael Tobin on cello - thank you for making it such a special night.


A huge thank you to Ronald Vermeulen, Artistic Planning Director of the MSO. He is not only very charming but also a musicologist and Art History scholar. Being on the podium between Ronald and Lisa Fehily the Mossgreen & Fehily Gallery Director and the exceptional musicians was a very humbling experience and an incredible honour to have my painting Intermission hanging behind us all as the link in the conversation between art and music

Upstairs at Mossgreen

Me in the Hot Seat with Ronald Vermeulen

Mossgreen and the MSO from L to R - Freya Franzen, Christopher Cartledge, Rachael Tobin, Tia Paterson, Ronald Vermeulen, Lisa Fehily, Julia Peardon and Me 

Thank you The Weekly Review, Melbourne...

Installation shots...



Just a few more weeks to go until my exhibition Wild Life at Mossgreen Gallery in Melbourne.

Exhibition Dates: 9 September - 2 October, 2016


Concert of Birds 

An intimate evening with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra & Kate Bergin


The opening will be a little bit different this year with a performance by a trio of musicians from the Melbourne Sympony Orchestra. The evening will also include a discussion with myself and Ronald Vermueulen, Director of Artistic Planning at the MSO about the connection between music and art.


 Thursday 8 September, 6.30 - 8.30pm



Intermission, 2016, oil on canvas, 170 x 200 cms


I always love getting into the tiny details of a painting.

Although painting a peeled apple from life can be a bit tricky here in the tropics so I need to paint it very fast before it starts to droop and the decay sets in...

The classic peeled fruit references the still life genre from the Spanish 17th century and by placing it on a little espresso cup from Tiffany & Co which has the notes from Henry Mancini's "Moon River" you can't help but hear Audrey Hepburn singing the Johnny Mercer lyrics including the line, "There's such a lot of world to see" which reflects back to the painting behind the cheetah which is a recreation of Frans Snyders, Concert of Birds which recently toured to the National Gallery of Victoria from the Hermitage Collection. So there's a variety of references across centuries and countries in this painting...definately a lot of the world to see here.

View Magazine, #62 June 2016


The National Gallery of Victoria's Great Hall was completely transformed for the "Best of the Best 2016"


The 41 tables created were spectacular and the gala fundraising dinner had a vibrant atmosphere with a visual overload that added to the fun of the night. The booklets for each guest listed all the tables and the thoughts behind their designs...everything was beautifully done. Congratulations to all the artists and designers and the NGV's Women's Association. 



I'm honoured to have my painting, " Another Curious Teaparty" as the promotional image for the "Best of the Best, 2016" at the National Gallery of Victoria.


I'm looking forward to attending the dinner as well and seeing all the tabletop creations by these incredibly talented artists and designers. 

Busy in the studio...


I'mNew canvases arriving...


A new year and lots of new inspiration...



Working on a private commission...


An inspiring trip to Sydney to the Art Gallery of NSW and Sculpture by the Sea before heading back into the studio. 



"We are delighted to announce that Kate Bergin's series of oil paintings have received an incredible response at Sydney Contemporary Art Fair, with a sell out show within days of opening. We would like to congratulate Kate for producing another outstanding exhibition." 


Finally made it to Sydney Contemporary.

My love and thanks to my boys, Mark, Riley and Rothko. I couldn't do it without you.


Thanks to all those who visited the stand and sent support from afar. I've meet some fantastic artists and collectors and people who just love art. It was a real pleasure and a privilege to meet you all and have so many interesting conversations that will motivate and sustain me through the next year in the studio preparing for the next exhibition!

It was wonderful to be included in the special edition Art Collector magazine produced for Sydney Contemporary. Thanks to Prue Gibson for the great Q&A

Some installation shots just before the opening.


The stand looked fantastic and also included the incredibly powerful sculptures of Laurence Edwards and two stunning pieces by Simeon Nelson at the entrance to the stand.


The paintings have arrived at Mossgreen in Melbourne and are ready to travel to Sydney.


A collection of six prints (editions of 10 each) will also be on display. 



Sydney Contemporary 10 - 13 September


I'll be presenting my new exhibition of paintings, "The Company of Unlikely Travellers" with Mossgreen Gallery. 

Bendigo Art Gallery Acquisition

The Alpacas' Teaparty, purchased for the Bendigo Art Gallery's permanaent collection and now on display. Here it is in the Bendigo Weekly in an article about the Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize with curator Leanne Fitzgibbon. I have been a finalist in the exhibtion twice and also won the People's Choice Award in 2011 which was hugely exciting. Bendigo Art Gallery has an incredible collection so it's a real honour to be part of it.

EYES ON PRIZE: Leanne Fitzgibbon with a work by Kate Bergin which was acquired by the gallery after the 2011 Guy Prize. Picture: DARREN HOWE. Article by Joseph Hinchliffe, July 29, 2015



Storm in a Teacup

A Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery exhibition

24 July - 27 September 



An article in the Australian Financial Review Weekend, 18-19 July by Shelley Gare exploring the ideas behind this exhibtion curated by Wendy Garden. It is wonderful to be in the exhibtion with such an array of talented artists and also to have my painting, "The Hunt for a Room of One's Own" included in the article.


Storm in a Teacup reflects upon tea drinking in Australia. Introduced by the British colonials, the afternoon tea party was an attempt to ‘civilise’ the land. Tea drinking became so popular in the colonies that by 1888 the amount of tea consumed per capita exceeded the amount consumed in England. Soon after, billy tea was to become an enduring symbol of the pioneering spirit, immortalised by Henry Lawson’s stories published under the title While the billy boils.

Beginning with elegant paintings of the afternoon tea table from E. Phillips Fox and Arthur Streeton, the exhibition goes on to explore the darker side of tea drinking and the social and environmental impacts of the humble cup of tea. Michael Cook’s Object (table), 2015, provides an alternative history to the narrative of colonialism while Sharon West and Adam Hill both use humour to subvert colonial understandings of the afternoon tea party as an occasion of refined gentility.


Storm in a Teacup features paintings, works on paper, photographs, ceramics, sculpture and installation by:


Julian ASHTON, Kate BERGIN, Charles BLACKMAN, Stephen BOWERS, Emma Minnie BOYD, Lyndell BROWN & Charles GREEN, Penny BYRNE, Michael COOK, eX de MEDICI, Julia deVILLE, Julie DOWLING, Marian DREW, Bern EMMERICHS, Samantha EVERTON, E. Phillips FOX, Rosalie GASCOIGNE, Betty GREENHATCH, Adam HILL, HOTHAM STREET LADIES, Yenny  HUBER, Clare HUMPHRIES, Trent JANSEN, Marion MANIFOLD, Danie MELLOR, Kendal MURRAY, Polixeni PAPAPETROU, John PERCEVAL, Robyn PHELAN, Giuseppe ROMEO, Heather SHIMMEN, Darren SIWES, Vipoo SRIVILASA, Natascha STELLMACH, Arthur STREETON, Sharon WEST, Anne ZAHALKA



In the studio finishing off a new painting... 


Some studio snaps...

January, 2015

I'm very excited to have my painting, Another Curious Teaparty  featured on the cover of Thomas Pierce's brilliant new book of short stories, Hall of Small Mammals.













Thomas Pierce's short stories have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Oxford American, Virginia Quarterly Review, The Best American Non-Required Reading, O. Henry Prize Stories, and elsewhere.  Born and raised in South Carolina, he received his M.F.A. from the University of Virginia as a Poe/Faulkner Fellow.  Hall of Small Mammals (January 2015, Riverhead) is his debut collection of stories.  He currently lives in Charlottesville, VA with his wife and daughters.



Thanks to the team at Penguin Group (USA) particularly Judy Ng and Grace Han.


Great to have my painting, "Against Idleness & Mischief" in this exhibition.

Thanks to the very generous owners of the painting who helped to make this possible.


"SNAP! Crocodile Culture"


An exhibition at the Rockhampton Art Gallery

"presenting the diversity and beauty of crocodiles in Australia."


6 Dec 2014 - 8 Feb 2015




An article in the Brisbane Courier Mail about the exhibition...



  A zoo trip with the kids and an overnight stay to capture some amazing shots.

A 12 hour drive across the country hitting 45 degress...but well worth it!


Looking forward to creating a whole new series of paintings for 2015!






We are pleased to announce that Kate Bergin's recent exhibition, Unstill Lives at Mossgreen Gallery was 100% sold out. If you wish to register interest for works by Kate in 2015/16 or to enquire about future exhibitions please contact Sara Summers-Valli on 03 9508 8888 or at 

Image: Kate Bergin | A Curious Pride & Other Wonders, 2014 | oil on canvas | 135 x 200 cm



Opening Sat 8 November. Invitations are out...



Thanks to Dylan Rainforth for this article in Melbourne's The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald newspapers.




KATE BERGIN Practicing the Art of Deception & Other Illusions, 2014 oil on canvas 203 x 235


Equine illusions capture Bergin in the artist's biggest work of her career


November 3, 2014


Dylan Rainforth


Those other horses might have stopped the nation but this one mainly seems intent on stopping on a table.


At the heart of Kate Bergin's new exhibition Unstill Lives – which features seven, large hyper-detailed paintings – is a remarkable canvas that is over two metres long, the artist's biggest work in her 20-year career.  As well as being a title John Brack used in the 1970s, "unstill lives" captures the feeling in Bergin's newest works that these animals are no longer hunting trophies but have come to life.


"Some appear at ease, some bemused and others look as if they have to perform extraordinary tasks just to be noticed," the artist says.


On the wall behind the table, Bergin has exactingly reproduced a landscape painting by French painter Claude Joseph Vernet to create an illusion within an illusion. Still life and traditional paintings are venerable traditions for Bergin. "To me," she says, "putting in a classical painting alludes to that thread of history and also questions where we are now."



Looking forward to this event the day after the opening on Sunday 9 November.

Contact Mossgreen for tickets...


Exhibition opening only a month away...


Here's the first and largest painting called Practicing the Art of Deception & Other Illusions, 203 x 235cms, oil on canvas

A couple of photos of the painting in progress...


Great to be in this month's Art Collector magazine (Issue 70, Oct/Nov 2014) Thanks to writer Naomi Gall for the article...


ART in Embassies at the United States Embassy Canberra


Very thrilled to be part of this exhibition. Such beautiful printed material, including the cover image of the catalogue and lovely correspondance from Ambassador John Berrry.


New paintings off to Mossgreen for November exhibition, Unstill Lives.


 A few days in Adelaide to judge the Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize and enjoy some time at the Art Gallery and Zoo...

Being a judge of the Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize was a nerve wracking experience but it was interesting to see how things work on "the other side".


It was great to see all the artwork being so carefully considered in an atmosphere of real respect and interest.


After hours contemplating the many varied artistic pursuits it was wonderful to get back to the Adelaide Zoo on my own pursuit of some old friends...


The Chilean flamingo no longer has Greater standing next to him but hopefully the new mirror is helping to keep him company. That's me in the mirror too.


Pink is the new black...


a sneak peek at a new painting in progress for my November exhibition at Mossgreen.

April / May

Getting some new shots of birds at the Noosa River with my two "helpers"...




January/ February, 2014

I'm very honoured to announce I will be one of the 5 judges for this year's

Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize at the South Australia Museum.


Entries are open now and the exhibition will run from 26 July to 7 September, 2014


First commission for the year off to Melbourne.

Thanks to all my helpers, big and small...




After a busy month in November it's time for a bit of break particularly after moving house as well. Same town but closer to the beach...


Congratulations to my wonderful husband Mark Stewart on his exhibition at Hill-Smith Gallery in Adelaide and a great article in the Adelaide Review by Jane Llewellyn.


 Some images from my exhibition...a great night.

Wonderful to catch up with some old friends and meet some new ones.


Overwhelmed by the wonderful response to the paintings and excited at the prospect of a few private commissions that have also been organised. It's going to be a busy 2014...

Thanks to everyone for their support and thank you to all the staff at Mossgreen for making this such a successful exhibition...


Mossgreen Gallery is delighted to announce that Kate Bergin's current exhibition,

has completely sold out.




"Tabletop Performances & Other Balancing Acts"

31 October - 20 November, 2013 



Tabletop Performances and Other Untold Stories, 2013 Oil on canvas 170 x 200 cm


Please contact Mossgreen to be placed on the waiting list for the 2014/2015 exhibition.


Following a hugely successful sold out show at the 2012 Melbourne Art Fair, award winning artist Kate Bergin shows no sign of slowing down.


"Tabletop Performances & Other Balancing Acts" was met with reverberating success with another sold out show and several commissions underway.


Click here to view complete exhibition




Working away on my final painting for the exhibition opening 31 October while renovations at the new Mossgreen Gallery are also underway.​


Looking forward to exhibiting in this amazing new space

at 926-930 High Street Armadale


Thanks Adelaide Review!...



The Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize, finalist

The Art of Patience, 2013, oil on canvas​


Exhibition opens July 19, 2013


The Sulman Prize, Art Gallery of NSW, finalist ​

Croquet, Teaparties and Other Stories from Wonderland


Chinese Whispers,  1 of 8 finalists in the invitation only inaugural Gold Award at the Rockhampton Art Gallery

Great to participate in the artist talks with such a talented group of people.

Pictured here Julie Ewington, Victoria Reichelt, me and Kate Shaw with Jason Benjamin very kindly taking the photo.



Deliquent Angels, winner of the People's Choice Award at the Arthur Guy Memorial Art Prize


Albany Art Prize Winner with this painting, Call of the Highly Improbable.


A painting exploring the themes of  Nicholas Nassim Taleb's book The Black Swan which puts forward ideas of expecting the unexpected in relation to the Global Financial Crisis.

This painting also references our own Australian story of Ern Malley, the infamous literary hoax of the 1940's and his poem Durer: Innsbruck, 1495,  which features the line,

" I am still the black swan of trespass on alien waters".



The Residency at the Vancouver Arts Centre Albany, part of the prize.

A fantastic experience. 

© 2013 Kate Bergin

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